Saturday, November 23, 2013


So, in Waldorf education there are many festivals observed. Some may seem obscure, and I guess they are, but man are they sweet and worthy of celebration! Martimas celebrates St. Martin, a man who gave his life to serving the poor and also the idea that we can be lights as the season becomes darker and colder. 
So, we got together with friends and made lanterns,ate soup and pumpkin cake, made bags to have in the car to hand out to the homeless, and went on a lantern walk. It was a sweet time (with the usual "bumps"- someone couldn't stop asking about sweets, Ollie was fussy, someone fell and broke their lantern...) and I'm so glad we celebrated our little version of this festival. 
Love to you! Jen

Monday, November 18, 2013

At long last!

Just wanted to pop in and say that Jubilee finally is calling Sam and Amelia something! She literally refused to call them anything up to this point (she is 2 years, 1 month). She would say:
Lidilidi (Alidia)
Ana (Aviana)
Manamana (Emily)
Losh (Josh, who she is in love with:)
Lilyilyily (Lily)

....but no Sam and Amelia. Seriously,  I think it was a middle child rebellion! Anyway, now she officially says their names. She calls Sammy "bubba" and Amelia "Mimi" or "Tister". It is adorable and said with no animosity, haha. Guess she was just waiting until she was good and ready!

She also started saying many other new words in this past month. But, in the past few days she has started looking for the "Big memote"- uh oh, definitely coincided with her now being willing to sit and watch a show for a half hour! Little Bear (cockalooloo) is her favorite far and away, and she'll also watch Curious George. 

Anyway, much to do this afternoon, but just had to record that little baby book fact! Jen

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thoughts at the end of the day....

Today was a good one in the domestic arena (minus dinner time when I had pooped out and we ate, are you ready for this, instant oatmeal. Oops.). This morning we were getting ready for a visit with my dear friend and mentor Rebecca.
I made pumpkin donuts with the help of the littles, the main level of the house was tidy (doing wonders for my soul), and at one point Amelia said," Mama, after I clear the table can I keep finger knitting?"  Um, domestic bliss!:) While the baby napped and Jubilee looked at a book and the kids worked on a finger knitting project I even got in a chapter of, " Mitten Strings for God: Reflections for Mother in a  Hurry", which I am loving. A shorter version of Simplicity Parenting it seems. Oh anyway, we had a sweet visit. Love this picture Amelia took of Rebecca. How I hope to be a listener like this.
We had a good afternoon reading an American girl book, walking down and playing at the park, watching Little Bear ( Jubilee is such a fan and I'm so thankful the big kids will still watch and enjoy it too:)....a lovely day, a fussy evening, a nice ending reading aloud more and all getting in bed early. 
Creating a peaceful home, growing in the area of home making, and loving my family well- these are some of my biggest aspirations, and days like today (even though there were mistakes aplenty and " I need thee every hour" was on my heart all day) are encouraging. We have to move towards what we want, right? One day at a time. Our home is like *my* classroom in this season of life. I find my deepest joy here, feel my greatest frustrations, know that God is refining me and blessing me and speaking to my heart in the midst of dishes and discipline. I'm so thankful that in a world of pain and deep hurt and sobering issues, I am being given the gift of days that include making pumpkin donuts with six year olds, conversations with dear friends, hearing new words spoken from a toddler's mouth, giving sisters a bubble bath, wearing a chubby and adorable baby on my back as i move about the house, watching my husband make conkers out of chestnuts after he gets home from a long day's work...
You know, I'm exhausted. I haven't slept through the night in over six months. This mothering young children thing is no joke. But it is a gift. And it is a joy. And boy, I only need to watch the news one evening or even think of the pain happening in the lives of those close to my own heart, to get some perspective. 
Yes, this day was a sweet one. And after I go downstairs to get something to eat, because that instant oatmeal just isn't doing the trick, I'll go to bed with a very thankful heart. Love to you! Jen

Monday, November 11, 2013

All four children playing happily and quietly while I make dinner. Ahhhhhhh. I know it can't last long, but boy, what a moment! A moment brought on by a rearranged play space. Gets them every time, they just can't resist it! One of the most fun parts of my mama job is creating irresistible play spaces, so I'm really enjoying this moment of success, short lived as it may be- hehe. Jen

Monday, November 04, 2013

A morning in the life of the Hunt home schoolers....

I feel like this morning was a very typical homeschool morning for us, and so I thought I'd share in case you guys are as curious as I am about other people's days/rhythms/school time, etc.

Everyone was up by seven and greeted me in bed, of course. Joel has a very early morning job and so it's the kids and I from the get go. Downstairs we go for breakfast (where we read some books about Fall) and chores (the kids feed animals, clear dishes, get dressed and "brush teeth (rarely happens-oops)". I unload/load dishwasher, change the laundry out and get baby down for first nap. This part of our morning is often extended by a multitude of things. This morning is was "ICE! THERE IS ICE EVERYWHERE OUTSIDE!!" So, out we go to see the icy grass, the ice on the chicken coop, etc.

By about 9am I called it quits on my chores and we were ready to start lesson time. Jubilee played with blocks (she LOVES those enormous Lego type blocks-thank goodness) and played with the white board/markers while the kids narrated a story back to me called Mr. Who that we read last week. They drew a picture of him and then told the story to me so that I could write it for them in their "main lesson books".  I am always amazed by their ability to remember so many details of stories! Then they worked on their "Explode the Code" phonics books. Amelia does 2 pages and is D O N E and goes to play with Jubilee and Sam works for a while longer (he is very into phonics and handwriting, while Amelia is not, to say the least). 

We take a break after this as Ollie wakes up, Jubilee needs a diaper change, and everyone needs a snack.

 Next up we read Amelia's new Ladybug magazine she got in the mail. We were sitting at the table teaching Jubilee the song "This Little Light of Mine"(which was in the magazine) and having a great conversation with the big kids about what it looks like to shine our light, when I thought, "This is my favorite part of the morning. Love, love, love." Then, things started to fall apart. Haha! Ollie was fussy, I needed to get dinner in the crock pot , we needed to clean up from snack and morning lessons....what to do first? AHHHH! Deep breath, Jenny. Fed Ollie, had Sam play with him, turned on Sparkle Stories while Amelia helped me chop veggies for dinner (patience, Jenny, patience) and Jubilee played with her baby doll. Cranky, cranky, everyone cranky. 

Eventually, we work through the crankiness. Dinner is in crock pot, we eat lunch and finish our Sparkle Story (called Little House Day- so lovely:), the big kids go play Legos, Ollie goes down for second nap, Jubilee watches her beloved "cock a loo loo" (Little Bear), and mama takes a deep breath. And here we are! It is 1:45pm! So, yep, our school days are a little part school, a big part family life, and I'm learning to be ok with that! Actually, I'm learning to love that. So much of our learning happens during conversations about books we are reading, nature outings we go on, etc.  

Anyway, we have about two hours until we leave for dance. The kids will most like play and rest until then, Amelia will go to dance while we feed geese and ducks at SugarHouse park nearby. After dance I'm planning on running by the Wild Bird Store to get sunflower seeds for our bird friends staying here for the winter. We have been seeing lots of Blue Jays around and Sam noticed this morning that the Doves are still here (do they stay?)...we have been loving The Burgess Bird Book for children. 

We'll come home and eat dinner together (yay, even though the majority of children probably won't like it, boo) and then tidy up and run around crazy for a bit and then read stories, "brush teeth" and go to bed! Mama will probably stay up too late (though I'm doing better these days) and then we'll start all over again tomorrow! 

I could say so much more. But, that's all I have time for today. Hope you enjoyed a realistic peek into the Hunt home on a normal Monday morning:) Jen