Sunday, September 15, 2013


Dear Jubilee Rose,

You turn two tomorrow! What a wild and wonderful age two is, and you are already very much both of those things. 

A few things I want to remember about you at this stage: 

You love baby dolls. I mean love. You are the cutest little mama I have ever seen. You bounce your babies, pat their little backs, nurse them, make sure they can see during stories, push them in a little stroller, wear them in slings. Oh man. It's awesome. You copy everything I do with Ollie, which has shown me just how observant you are!

Speaking of Ollie, you love him too! So much! I'm so glad:) Hearing you say his name is one of my favorite things. Need to upload a video of it soon. 

You can do incredible things! Ride a plasma car like nobody's business, climb up those horrible arched, metal structures at playgrounds, turn around and climb down backwards, climb up tall, tall slides and slide back down, walk and walk on hikes...things that you seem entirely too little to do, but you watch brother and sister and just go for it! AHHH! 

You still aren't talking much at all, and boy, we are ready! I'll just leave it at that, this is your birthday letter after all. Hehe

You prefer not to stay with anyone for very long that isn't in your family. No childcare situations like the nursery at church at.all. You will stay with Emily and Stephanie (my two closest friends here) and they have children that love on you and will include you in play, so that helps:) 

You are not big on sharing with friends your age, or with your siblings,  but you are learning and the great thing about being child #3 is that mama and daddy know that with lots of patience and guidance, this too shall pass. :)

You love to play in the sink while I work in the kitchen, enjoy play doh and stickers and blocks and, of course, babies. You love to GO,GO,GO and are always up for an adventure like grocery shopping with daddy. Oh, and speaking of your daddy, you adore him. 

Oh Jubilee, our little firecracker, you bring so much joy into our lives. I can't tell you how many times a day your adorableness just overwhelms me:) What a privilege it is to spend my days with you and watch as you learn about this world, about love and family and friendships. How I hope you feel our love, baby girl, as we navigate this next year of your life together. I am thankful for each and every day we have with you, tired as we may be at the end of them. :) With all the love in my heart, Mama

P.S. On a superficial note, your hair grew so much this year!! Actually, just since Ollie was born 4 months ago it has gotten SO much longer:) You usually insist on it being up when you see me doing Amelia's, which is great! You also love pulling on your own pants, putting on socks, etc. You are very much Miss independent in many ways. So different from the twins. But then, you are very much your own little person, that's for sure! Ok, really, that's all. 


Unknown said...

Jenny... I've got to tell you... Jubilee's heart has ALWAYS been a treasure to me. It was evident from the beginning. She is SO unique and beautiful, that I am just sitting on the edge of my seat to see what God has planned for this little one! She is truly special!! Happiest of birthdays and may her third year of life be filled with joy and unique experiences that fit her perfect little heart!
Love you guys.

ann.e said...

Happy birthday little Jubilee!!! I wish I knew your 2 year old little self and am glad your Mama wrote such a nice note, so I can know you a little better : )

Anonymous said...

What a happy little 2 yr old Mama :} Papa Joel