Monday, August 27, 2012

We love when my big brother passes through town with the band he works with. It's just always so sweet to have him with us in our home, in our everyday. Yesterday was extra fun because some other dear friends, the Huebners, were passing through town too and so we had a full house for the afternoon.
Anyway, need to go get the day started. I'm actually up before baby, which is a very rare occurrence:) Jen

P.S. After I wrote this Amelia and I were talking about how much we love her Uncle Bub and she said, " I think I'll marry him because I just love him so much!" I said, " I know, isn't he the sweetest? The thing is, he's part of your family and so you can't marry him." In her most forlorn voice she replied, " Every time I love someone, it turns out they're in my family and so I can't marry them!!" Hahaha

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