Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Tales from the coast: Day 3

Ahhh, today was another good one. After a bit of a sluggish morning ( Jubilee broke her great sleeping spell last night) and yummy homemade waffles from gpa Jim, we headed out to meet my dear friend Abbe Jo and her family! We met at an aquarium about 45 minutes away and then went to a nearby beach park for a picnic lunch. Jubilee LOVED the beach, running her hands through the wet, squishy sand and splashing in little puddles. Amelia was her wild (wonderful) self- just off on her own running into the surf, throwing mud, dragging seaweed all over the beach. Sam was searching the shore for treasures, though sadly, these beaches don't have many shells!
Best of all, though, was getting to stand there and chat with Abbe dear, friends since we were babes, now standing there watching our babies play. What a gift!
Then it was a trip to the grocery store and home. I was super duper sleepy by this time, but Jubilee was refusing a nap so we ate a snack and headed outside. Oh my gosh, this air is so fresh and cool and in a matter of minutes my sleepiness had vanished and the kids and I finished the afternoon in the yard playing, reading, kicking the soccer ball with gpa Jim, watching the neighbor's chickens, etc.
After a yummy vegetable soup and cornbread dinner made by Tim, the girls headed out on an evening walk. After a little Olympics watching, I am heading to bed. Hiking and seal watching is on the agenda tomorrow! A few favorite phone pics and I'll "see" ya tomorrow,


anna said...

Sounds like fun.
Hi, Abbe!

the schilps said...

oh how happy it makes me to be included in the tales of day 3!! lovely to see you, my friend!

and, HI ANNA!! loves, lady!

big hugs all around :)