Monday, July 27, 2009

Mammy in the mountains...

We went on an impromptu trip into the mountains today. It was sunny and hot, we were heading to the park and I felt the mountains calling. The shady trails and cool, cool water. So, we drove up and found a spot and settled in. My mama was a bit frantic some of the time, as most Mammy's would be I think with two toddlers so close to rushing water. I don't blame her one bit. But she enjoyed being there, as did we all, even with one of Sammy epic melt downs when we had to leave. "Moooouuuntains!!!!! Rooooocks!!!!!! WHAAAAAA!!!More Mountains! Moooooore Rocks!!! WHAAAAAAA!!!!!"
It's funny, I remember when they were younger and Shari and I would always be pointing their little heads towards the mountains saying, "Do you see the mountains? " Their little world view just couldn't yet comprehend that those hikes we went on equaled those big hills in the distance. Anyway, in the last few months they have fully awakened to the reality of the mountains and all of the fun that goes on there in those hills. So, now they are forever saying, "Go mountains? Go mountains! Daddy, mountains(they think he is always there:)? " I love that they are mountain lovers. Today when we drove up and parked, Sam said, "God made mountains. God made trees." Oh, bless your little precious heart Sammers, yes He did. And my aren't they wonderful. Especially when you are there with your Mammy who is wearing a polka dotted dress. Oh how we are going to miss you mama.


Anonymous said...

yes those pictures look lovely and COOl. glad you ventured up into the mountains - we'd love to join you next time! glad to be home, excited to see you guys - will miss seeing Mammy tho. Looks like you had such a wonderful month..


Charlie and Kari said...

Jenny, thanks soooo much for answering my question on both of our blogs! You are so awesome and I know much of your awesomeness is from having a wonderful mama! Please tell her hi for me if she is still there! I know you will miss her when she goes, but God is so good to give you that time together! Okay, your baby-back carrying suggestions gave me a good head start in my search...I can't wait to get one! Blessings!

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