Thursday, August 17, 2006

In Missoula we found...

More music!! This time it was a "Symphony in the park" concert and it seemed the whole city decided to come. It was a beautiful day and the music was wonderful and it was fun to people watch in this town that we now call, "Our new home." :) Who knows, really, if we'll ever live in Missoula. It's just one of those places that seems like a great place to be. Anyway, here are all of the peoples listening to the symphony.

We also found a store with loads of great shoes. Mom, are you sitting down? I finally purchased some new shoes!!As you can imagine, it took about an hour to try on all of the different choices, talk them through with the poor salesgirl who had no idea what she was walking into when she asked if she could help me, talked them through with Joel, decided on the practical all brown pair and then confessed that I had always wanted a pair of shoes with a touch of red.. so here they are...

...I'm pretty much in love with them and they are sooo comfy.
We also found a great coffee shop where I wrote the first Missoula post...

We found some really yummy food at the local natural food store...

Lots of cute shops, millions of bicycles being ridden around town, the University of was a great place. After spending Saturday and Sunday in Missoula , we visited friends in Kallispelle on Monday, drove through Glacier National Park on Tuesday, Yellowstone National Park and the Tetons on Wednesday, drove back down to SLC today where Joelie dropped me off as I was feeling a bit fluish and have sooo much to do for school on Monday, and Joel is now driving on to the wedding in Colorado. So, needless to say, I have many more pics to post. First, though, I must sleep, unpack, give this kitty laying next to me some attention, and then I'll share some more memories of this wonderful, "only Joel could make all that happen in a week and it still be relaxed and fun" roadtrip that was this past week. Jen


anna said...

jenny those shoes are so cute..i want some..

Anonymous said...

You would look sooo cute in these shoes! They have lots of other wonderful choices too. You can find them at They are a bit expensive, but worth it I think if you wear them for years. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sharon said:
Love those shoes, Jenny. I am so impressed. Hopefully we will get to see them when you are visiting our ESL class again. Oh, by the way, had 24 students on my first night of ESL I. Will let you know about tonight later.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, Tammie said we rode together to Austin to get our earth shoes. I told her to get on the web site and check them out. You may just get 2 old hippy girls into comfy shoes again!!