Thursday, August 18, 2011

" Let's just talk about firefighters, mom."

It was 3:30 am when Sammy climbed into bed and snuggled against me. I said, "Sammy, let's go to the bathroom" and so we stumbled to the bathroom in order to not repeat some recent bedwetting incidences:) When we got back into the room he saw his fire chief hat laying on the floor next to the bed. He must have carried it in from his room where he had gone to sleep with it that evening. He exclaimed, "The fire station! Let's go!" He put on his hat and suddenly he was as awake as if it were 3:30 in the afternoon. "Oh Sam, we have six more hours until we visit the fire station. We need to go back to sleep. " So, he leaned against the bed, looking as cute as any child could at such an early hour, and said, "Well, let's just talk about fire fighters mom." I convinced him to hang his hat on the lamp and he climbed in and we did just that. I told him about my friend Anna whose dad was a fire fighter. We talked about how brave he must have been fighting fires and helping people and pretty soon we were both asleep.

The visit to the fire station later that morning with my mom's group was so much fun. The guys at the fire station were incredibly kind and patient and fun. I was so happy for Sam and Amelia to get such a great introduction to a profession! Sam is convinced that he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up and rescue heroes are the new thing in the Hunt house. Move over trains! Books and videos about fire trucks, make believe fires and emergency situations, and even their first action figures (a fire fighter and forest ranger that Mammy got them from Kid to Kid) are taking over! In fact, I put all of the beloved Thomas trains and tracks in their big basket and put them in the storage room as they have been out of the "played with" circuit for a while now:/ We'll see if they make a come back.

Anyway, just want to remember this transition in Sammy's life. I love watching his excitement and interest in animals, bugs, gardening, sea creatures, mountains, trains, music, construction and now rescue vehicles and people. He really digs in deep when he finds something that peaks his interest. There is so much to dig into in this world, isn't there? It's a gift to see it through Sammy's eyes.

All for now, though I have so much more to catch up on! Ah well, one post at a time:) Jen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw the title to your post, I was thinking about my dad, the firefighter.

I was thinking about how my dad would bring all his gear home when Paul and I were kids and let us put it all on.

I was thinking about the times we would go see him at the station in downtown Houston and he would slide down the pole for us.

I remember him always teaching Paul and I what to do in case of a fire and practicing our family emergency plan that would even cover how we might have to escape the second store floor from the roof. : )

When I got older I heard of some of the things he had done. WOW

Firemen do a lot of brave things.

Even now that he is retired, he still has firman friends that come to visit.

Thanks for mentioning him in your post.

love ya,