Thursday, June 30, 2011

"There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away..."

I've been feeling so grateful lately for books, and for how much Sam and Amelia love to sit and listen to me read them. During the first trimester of this pregnancy, and now the third, it is one thing I know I can do with them when I frankly have little energy to do anything else.
Honestly, books have always been my "go to" activity with them. Everyone grumpy and don't know what to do? Read a story. Snowy day and don't want to feel guilty about putting in another Thomas or Little Bear? Pull out the book basket. Hot day but shady under the cherry tree? Grab some favorites and settle into the shade.
But it has felt more special lately. Maybe because I love the feeling of their little bodies curled next to mine and another babe in my tummy. Maybe it's because we have been reading "Little House in the Big Woods", their first chapter book, and they love it and that makes me so very, very happy. Maybe it's because I know this chapter of our lives, of just me and them together most all of the time, is going to be closing very soon and so I cherish those quiet moments more. A combination of all of those reasons I guess.
I have a feeling as the next ten weeks passes, there will be even more snuggle time on the couch, with my feet up and those two snuggled at my side. We pulled out some summer favorites and I love falling in love with them all over again. " Mama, is it summer yet?" is a fun one, shown here by our "nature table":)

"Peter in Blueberry Land" is soooooo wonderful, I just want to eat it up and "Blueberries for Sal" is a favorite as well. Along with these we have been reading a lot about sharks and ocean creatures, which is Sam's passion and today mom read to them from "The Complete Book of Flower Faries" by Mary Cicely and said they just loved it. She is in the process of creating a fairy garden with them and they are so into it. Then, like I mentioned, we are reading the first in the Little House series. My friend Anne and I have always said how disappointed we would be if our kids didn't love the Little House series as much as we's one of those things you can't expect them to enjoy but you hope and hope. So, hurray! What a joy that they want to sit and listen about Laura and Mary and Pa and Ma and all of the adventures of living in the big woods. Amelia wants to wear long dresses like the girls, Sam thinks calling me "Ma" is hysterical, and they can't get enough of the stories about Bears! and Panthers! and baby pigs-awwwww:) In fact, we haven't been able to finish the first book because they keep wanting to go back and read their favorite stories again. I think we just read the chapter about two misadventures with bears for the fourth time! But that's okay:)
Anyway, this has just been on my mind a lot and so I wanted to write it down and remember. This cozy, tiring time of pregnancy. These special times with Sam and Amelia. The joy of being in Blueberry Land and the Big Woods and tidepools, all in one afternoon. Emily Dickenson was so right when she she said, "There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away...."
All for now,

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