Saturday, August 14, 2010

A little glimpse:

It amazes me how much a glimpse at Sam and Amelia's interaction can reveal about them. I gave them some shells that I got at a yard sale yesterday and grabbed the video camera because I knew they would love them. They did and played for a good long time with them and I was so glad to capture this little conversation (once you press play, double click the video to make it bigger so that you can see Sam:)
I hope this little clip will help me remember as the years go by:
* How much I love to hear their little polite, "Thank you Mena!" "Your welcome". Music to a mama's ears.
* How Sammy can hear the ocean through every shell;) His imagination is rich.
* How much they are intruiged by the ocean and all of it's creatures. We are all craving a trip to the beach!
* How they are more and more "wanting to be alone" as Amelia puts it.
* How excited Sammy gets to show us things.
* What a sweet listener Joel is.

I wish I could just bottle these moments up. How I love these children, Jen

P.S. They are saying both coral and cool in the video, sometimes it's hard to distinguish:)


Anonymous said...

I love these little conversations. Just makes me happy... that's all I have to say on the subject! :)
Love to all,

Craig said...

My favorite part is Sam handing Amelia the shell, and saying, "There's a buncha ocean in this one!"

Anonymous said...

I loved this video--and on a trip to the beach...we live on the beach! How I wish you could come on over!