Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Celebrating Mealtime...

If you'll remember, I'm reading a book called Seven Times the Sun: Guiding Your Child Through the Rhythms of the Day. Last time I wrote about Celebrating Morning. A few notes on that before I summarize chapter two.

Our morning routine does seem to be running a bit more smoothly, especially now that we are all well again. I LOVE the morning songs that are presented in the book and have started incorporating them into our rhythm. My favorite song says this, "Joy, Joy joy comes in the morning. Joy, joy, joy comes. Morning glory, morning joy. " It is such a sweet, simple tune. I couldn't read the music in the book and so ended up getting the CD so that I could learn all of the tunes. This song is sung in rounds. Have I ever mentioned that I adore singing in rounds? Takes me back to high school youth group. Long bus rides on Mexico mission trips. Or to sleep overs with Kristi, just singing our little hearts out together in rounds. Oh, you didn't do that when you were in high school? You were missing out! :) Seriously, though, I have day dreams of when the babes get older and are helping me work around the house and we are just singing away. In rounds. Oh my.
So anyway, my celebration of morning still has a long way to go. I have yet to wake up before the babies and pray/gather myself/work out/see Joel before he leaves for work. Tomorrow is a new day though and I am going to get to bed by 10:30 tonight (edited at 10:55 to say Make that 11:30.)
One major breakthrough is Sammy's diaper changes in the morning. He has turned a curve (is that the saying?) on that one and it is not unheard of for him to obey and come plop down on the floor with a proud little look on his face and only have minor fussyness while the change is happening. Thank you Lord!

Now, on to 'Round the Table: Celebrating Mealtime. Mealtime is another time I can find myself hurrying through. Preparing food is not my favorite thing to do and toddlers learning to feed themselves is a messy, messy business.

However, I know that family mealtimes are important and this chapter really reinforced that. Her first main point is about the opportunity for prayer around the table. Teaching your children to take time to be thankful as a family, to slow down and voice our prayers in each other's presence. She talks about simple songs or verses to recite together as well as spontaneous prayer and the intimacy that that can create.

How much do you love experiencing a family or group of friends that take the time to hold hands and lift their hearts in prayer before a meal? I have found that it often turns a simple meal into a sacred event.

The chapter also discusses the importance of providing nourishing, whole foods to ourselves and our families. Note to self: Feed your family more vegetables!! She suggests the cookbook, Feeding the Whole
by Cynthia Lair.

She then gives songs and verses to sing or recite. My favorite so far is the hymn, For the beauty of the earth. I am trying to sing this verse at each meal, " For the joy of human love, Brother, sister, parent, child. Friends on earth and friends above, For all gentle thoughts and mild; Lord of all to thee we raise This our hymn of grateful praise. "

Slowing down, celebrating mealtime, taking time to hold hands and lift our hearts...these are the lessons I take from chapter two.

Next chapter, "Come play with me! Celebrating Play. "

All for tonight,


Jocelyn said...

Thank you so much for sharing these with us. They are just wonderful. I may have to look into the book to help me out with the hectic-ness that seems to be my life as a working mommy-- taking the time to really celebrate the times that I have with my girls and to make routines of it. Thank you again for sharing all of this wisdom!

Shanyn Zink said...

Okay, you start first...
Go ahead! For the Beauty of the Earth...like so..and I'll come in after the second measure. Here I go! "For the Beauty of the Earth..." :) Hee hee. I LOVE to round too. Let's get around to it. Heeeee. Seriously though I almost always start crying when I sing rounds because my soul loves it so much. So I hope whenever we do rounds together (ehem, Joel - you can do rounds at home! ;) get it?) down here in Tejas, I can keep it together for ya.

Esther said...

That last prayer gave me chills. So beautiful! I'll be using that, for sure!

Kelly said...

oh the memories of singing in rounds in youth group with kevin leading... loved it. thanks for the sweet memory on a frustrating morning.