Monday, April 16, 2007

Finally livin' up to my name...

When mom and dad first got married they were true blue hippies. They had decided that the earth was overpopulated and so it would be irresponsible to bring any more children into the world. So, they named their animals the names they would have named their children.

This is where Jenny the cow comes in. One day these two little hippies were on the way to church and they saw a calf running down highway 290 with it's little umbilical cord still attached. Mom yelled, " We have to stop and get it!!" So, they did. Dad tackled it and said "Now what?!" and Mom said," Well, at the rodeo they tied their legs together." So, dad ties the calf's legs together and they put it in the front seat of the big ol' car they were driving! They continued on to their new church and tied the calf outside of the little, white building where it's moos could be heard all service long. Then they took the calf home and fed and loved her (they were vegetarians of course) and named her none other than Jenny.

Now,I was always a bit upset that I was named after a cow. I always explained it away as that the cow was actually named after the future me....but still. Well, the whole point of telling you this story is that my milk came in yesterday and all I can say is WOW!! It was a happy day to know that the babies will be getting all of their nourishment from mama from now on...and I have to say I feel quite proud to finally be living up to my namesake:)

And because I know you care more about the little ones than my milk are a few pictures of Amelia from today. They are weaning Sam off of CPAP again, so maybe we can get some good ones of his precious little face tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

Jenny, you are hilarious. I was just remembering the other day that when my cousin had twins she said felt like a cow since she seemed to be feeding them all the time, but being named after one, now that is good! Precious, precious babies, God sure is good at this (you guys aren't so bad either...) We are continuing to pray for all of, cheryl

Court said...

Loved the story Jen! Praying for you all, especially that Sam can be weaned from the CPAP. Much love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen and Joelie:

I'm keeping track, dont' worry. I love you guys (all 4)!!
Love, Holly

ashley said...

So glad to hear that things are going well. Hope you have a great day today!

Shanyn Zink said...

FINALLY I have created an account so I can COMMENT ON MY PRECIOUS NEICE AND NEPHEW EVERYONE!!! yES I'M AN AUNT I'M AN AUNT I'M AN AUNT!!! Yipee Skipeee PRAISE THE LORD for these precious gifts. And thank all of YOU so much for your prayers and support and gifts towards Jen and Joel and Amelia and Sam!!!
Doesn't Amelia have PERFECT BEAUTIFUL lips??! They're like drawn on. ;) And Sam has such broad shoulders and long strong arms. And I LOVE their color! Oh, they're going to be SO wonderful to watch grow up. I'm dying down here in Texas!! :(