Sunday, July 23, 2006

Where I am...

I am where the Texas sun shines bright and makes the cool river feel like paradise. Where Barney the basset hound and mama kitty are always around.
Where my ESL students make a feast for my arrival and I feel so loved and so full of love for them that I could burst.
Where mom and dad and I read and read and laugh and watch episode after episode of "Baby Story" and "What Not to Wear" and eat ice cream almost every night.
I am where my good friends are...friends that know my heart and I know theirs and it is so comforting to me to exchange thoughts and dreams and laughter with them again. Where i get to hold their new babies and see them as mommies.
I am in Texas, the place that I was born and holds all of these familiar and beloved people and places. I am trying to cherish this time as much as I soak up each person, each conversation, each experience.
I am where my sweet man is not. I miss him and wish he were here continuously, but know that soon I will be back to where he is, which is truly my home. Jen

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